TRANSLATION - Ueda Tatsuya - Mouse Peace 2008 Pamphlet
Hi guys, Finally, after a long... long long time, I've finished this little project! In here you'll find the translation of Ueda's interview in his first solo concert's pamphlet, explaining how he produced it, how he chose the band's members and, also, you'll read his comments about each song he wrote for this concert! It's really interesting, so, please, read it! Fun fact, I started working on it last year's February, planning to complete it for Ueda's birthday... but I never completed it nor touched it again till now lol Of course, I've also provided the lyrics of each song, writing the romaji and translating them all! With that being said, enjoy this reading ^^ MOUSE PEACE 2008 – PAMPHLET TRANSLATION Sparking 雨上がりの水溜りを 時折君は キレイに思えた 溢れ出す光浴びて 輝いている 君の闇照らすように 何が惑わすの 凍えたその手を 焼きつける太陽 あの空の向こうに 何かがあるなら さぁ 手を伸ばして 絡み付いた鎖剥がして 色鮮やかな風を身にまとって 光出す そう君の It's just sparking world 鎖付いた 胸の扉 擦り抜け濡れる 優しい透明な風 逃げ出してしまわぬように 両手広げて 包み込む そっと強く 止まったままの 光に時計が...